sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

Magazines-Mens Health Magazine December edition 2013

Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/

Magazines-Luke in Empire Magazine

Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/

Magazines-Luke in Los Angeles Time Magazine

Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/

Magazines-Luke in Man of the world magazine

Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/

Magazines-Esquire Magazine (UK edition)

Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/

Magazines-Luke Evans in Flaunt Magazine

Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/

Luke in social networks- Luke in whosay and twitter

Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/

Photoshoots-POLICE eyewear

Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/


Credits: photos from http://luke-evans.us/